Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Photoshop Realistic Coin with your image Tutorial

Realistic Coin To begin, draw out a circle while holding the "Shift" key to make it perfectly round as I have done below.

Now that you have your circle drawn, you can now right click on the circle layer and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Color Overlay ".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Stroke".

You may now click "OK."

You should now have the following:

Now grab an image that you wish to use for the coin. Place it where you think it looks good and while holding the "Ctrl" key ("Cmd" on Mac) click on the circle layer to get a selection. Now inverse the selection by hitting "Shift" + "Ctrl" + "I" on Windows or "Shift" + "Cmd" + "I" on Mac. Make sure you are on the image layer and hit delete then "Ctrl" + "D" or "Cmd" + "D" to deselect the selection. You should now have the following. I left the faded image for demonstration purposes.

Now for the fun part. Go to the main menu and click "Filter" then "Stylize" then "Emboss." Settings are the following: "Angle"= 41 "Height"= 2 "Amount"= 138. Your settings may need to be slightly different depending on the quality of your photo/image.

Grab the "Custom Shape Tool" and click on the star shape. Draw it where you want it.

Now that you have your star, you can now right click on the star layer and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Drop Shadow".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Inner Shadow".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Bevel and Emboss".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Color Overlay".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Stroke".

You may now click "OK."

You should now have the following:

Now lets create some text. Use the same style as you used on the stars. To curve the text simply double click the text layer in the Layers Pallete to select it, then click the button in the options pallete. Then click "Arc" for the style and +55 for the Bend.

The Results!!!
Other effects that can be added are: "Lighting Effects" "Noise" and some sparkles here and there.

Cartoon Drawing Tutorial

Photo Manipulation Tutorials
In this beginners photoshop cs tutorial we will be taking a photograph of a women and with photoshop graphic effects and filter effects we will convert her picture into a cartoon drawing.

Cartoon Drawing Photoshop Images Effect
1. Open an image that you would like to manipulate. Make sure your image is in RGB mode. To check this, go to Image under the menu bar - Mode - RGB Color. Make a duplicate of this layer as you will be working on this layer going forward.

2. Now we will be applying the Poster Edges filter. To do this, go to Filter > Artistic > Poster Edges.
3. After the Poster Edges effect, we will Adjust the Brightness & Contrast with the values: Brightness Value: 10 Contrast: 30.

4. Now we will do an artistic cut out effect to give it that cartoon look. Go to Filter > Artistic > Cut Out. And this is what you get!

Realistic Splash Effect

Realistic Splash Effect Summary:Want to create the appearance of a splash of water or liquid on a surface? In this tutorial, we'll show you how. Follow these step-by-step instructions to create this cool effect.Step-By-Step
Open an image that you want to add a splash over. In this example, I found a simple photo of a tile floor to use.

2. Create a new layer. Name this new layer "Splash".
3. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool. Create a splash pattern selection.

4. Goto Select > Modify > Smooth. Set the Sample Radius to 10 px. Click OK.
5. Use the Paint Bucket tool and fill the selection with white.

6. Right click the "Splash" layer from the layers palette. Choose "Blending Options" from the pop-up list.
7. Set the properties for "Drop Shadow" to the following:

8. Set the properties for "Bevel and Emboss" to the following:

9. Click OK to accept changes to Blending Options.
10. In the layers palette, click the "Blending Mode" drop down box. Choose "Multiply" from the list.

10. You should now have your realistic splash effect over your image.

Photo to Paper Airplane

Adding Photo to Paper Airplane Summary:Here is a fun tutorial that you can use in your graphic design projects or with your photographs. We basically look at how to convert your photograph into a paper airplane.Step-By-Step
Instructions:1. Open a photograph of a paper airplane in Photoshop. (Airplane Photo)

2. Open another photograph of any image you want to use. (Image Photo)

3. Copy and paste the Image Photo onto a new layer overlapping the Airplane Photo.
4. Lower the opacity of the Image Photo layer, so that you can see the Airplane Photo underneath.
5. Click Ctrl+T to enter Free Transform Mode. Use the shape handles and adjust the Image Photo to overlap a section of the airplane.

6. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool. Draw a selection around whatever section you are going to apply the image to the airplane.

7. Goto Select > Inverse.
8. Then click the Delete key to remove everything but the selected area of the image.

9. Set the Blending Mode for that layer to "Multiply".

10. You will get the following effect.

11. Repeat steps 3 through 10 with the other sections of the plane. However, use Free Transform Mode to change the angles of the photo to give the appearance of different fold angles.

11. When you are done, you should have your paper airplane photo with the imprinted image.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Strawberry Text

We'll begin this tutorial, by creating a new canvas 100 x 100 pixels, then change the foreground to D01111 and fill the background. Then change the foreground again to F2EA70 and choose the "Elipse Tool." Draw a similar shape to the one that I have drawn below, which will be the seed.

Now that you have your seed, you can now right click on the seed layer and select, "Blending

Options...". Now click on "Outer Glow". use settings at left You may now click OK.

You should now have the following:

Now duplicate the seed layer until you have something similar to the following. Tip: Use the "ALT" key to duplicate. Once you are satisfied with the look, go to the main menu and select "Edit" then "Define Pattern" Give it it a name and go to step 5.

Now create a new canvas 350 x 180, then go ahead and choose the text tool. I chose "Joan" as the typeface at a size of 104. Now type your text and move on to step 6.

Now that you have your text, you can now right click on the text layer and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Drop Shadow".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Inner Shadow ".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Inner Glow".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Bevel and Emboss".

Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Pattern Overlay".

You may now click OK.

The Results!!!
As you can see, I topped it off with some leaves and stem to boot. Have fun with it.

Orb Tutorial

1. Open up a new document, any size will do

2. Grab the Text tool (shortcut T) and write whatever you want. (note : this will look better with a bold font)I chose Impact with Font size 100pt, and letter spacing at -25.if you don't know how to get letter spacing, go to Window > Character. find the box with AV beside it (like the one

at the bottom) this is what i have so far.

3. Grab the Elliptical Marquee tool, and make a circle like this on a new layer. Call this layer Circle.

4. Hold in CTRL and click on the text icon on your text layer.with the Cirlce layer selected, press Select > Inverse, then Ctrl + X.This will have deleted the parts that you don't need.Your Graphic should look like this.

5.With the layer 'circle' selected, put the Fill down to 0%You will find the fill box in the layer window, below Opacity.double click on the layer to bring up blending options, and click on gradient overlay.set the gradient from white to transparent, the direction to -90, and the scale to 150, like so.

6. This step is optional Double click on the text layer again to bring up blending options. click on stroke and choose a dark red (or a darker colour of what your text is) and set the size to 2.

7. Duplicate your text layer by pressing CTRL + J, and flip it vertical (Edit > transform > Flip vertical) and move the layer down so it's a couple of pixels away from your original text layer.create a new layer and make a rectangular selection (by using the rectangular marquee tool)set your foreground colour to black, and draw a gradient from the bottom of the selection, to over the top of the selection.Click back on the duplicated text layer, and set the opacity to 70%this is what you should have now