This tutorial explains te method I used to create the "Human Thoughts" wallpaper on Deviantart...It is really simple and provides stunning effects.
Step 1: Open any Previous image (Probably with mild colours e.g. Scenery, Grass etc)
Step 2: Filter --> Stylize --> Wind (Wind, From the Right/Left)
Step 3: Press Ctrl+F to repeat... Press again if you want
Step 4: Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates (Rectangular to Polar)
Step 4: Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates (Rectangular to Polar)
Step 5: Filter --> Stylize --> Wind (Wind, From the Left/Right)
Step 6: Press Ctrl+F to repeat... Press again if you want
Step 7: Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates (Rectangular to Polar)
Step 8: Filter --> Stylize --> Wind (Wind, From the Right/Left)
Step 9: Press Ctrl+F to repeat... Press again if you want
Step 10: Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates (Polar to Rectangular)
Step 10: Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coordinates (Polar to Rectangular)
Step 11: Press Ctrl+F (Once only!)
Now you should have a nice image...Press Ctrl+U to open up "Hue/Saturation" and change the hue to get nice effects.You can also press Ctrl+I to invert the image to get more effects.